Thursday, November 27, 2014

The Gratitude Experiment

Every now and again I catch myself dwelling on the things that suck in my life.
I've even considered turning my little blog into a venting space for my irritations, sadness & anger. I mean, life is multi-faceted, why should I keep myself from having my own little pity party just to keep up the good cheer?

The thing is, this blog has always been my happy place, even in harder times, and today I decided it would be such a shame to infect it with negativity. 

I will appreciate my moments of gloom for what they are, but not give them more importance than what they deserve either.

In the honour of Thanksgiving, I will learn to be grateful for the disturbances in my happiness level,
because aren't those exactly what makes us realise how extremely lucky we are to be living this thing we call life? 

According to this article, cultivating an “attitude of gratitude” has been linked to better health, sounder sleep, less anxiety and depression, higher long-term satisfaction with life and kinder behaviour toward others, including romantic partners.

If that isn't something worth the effort I don't know what is!