The course I took focused on holistic wellbeing, and while it definitely took into considerations lots of different aspects of human health, something was missing, because I couldn’t translate what I studied into nutritional advice that consistently “worked”.
In searching for that missing puzzle piece (which turned out to be many!) I deepened my knowledge and practice of yoga and meditation, I consumed hundreds of podcasts on human relationships, bought and read pretty much every single book mentioned in those, took a course in positive psychology, read numerous books on the Enneagram and explored other personality theories and gradually found my way back to nutrition through thought work, the body positivity movement and the concept of intuitive eating.
Human wellbeing is such a fascinating subject and one that I am now educated enough in to feel like I actually have meaningful contributions to make. Lived experience also helps, considering I was only 24 when I first got certified.
It’s been (and still is) a journey!
Another, very practical missing link, as least for people who menstruate, is getting to know your body and learning to track the changes in emotional and physical wellbeing throughout your cycle, something that, interestingly, was very much absent from the numerous books included in my holistic nutrition course material, perhaps not mega surprisingly because most of them were written by men.
Luckily there’s SO much information out there, but you do need to know where to start looking, of course.
One very digestible way to deepen your knowledge is my friend Sarah Byrne’s new podcast Sarah Explains it all. (@iamsarahbyrne on Instagram)
I recommend you dive straight in with the episode "How to track your cycle".
Have fun!