Tuesday, January 28, 2020

My peaceful home on a high cliff

 Fridhem - Högklint

I've lived in a LOT of different places over the last few years.
My first home away from home was in a dorm at a Hotel Management school in Nîmes, France.
Then it was an apartment I shared with a colleague while on internship in Saint-Tropez.
After that a studio apartment in a Belgian university town, followed by a house I shared with a friend of mine in Gent, also in Belgium.
Then I moved to Sweden and shared an apartment with a boyfriend in Småland before we took the leap and ferry to Gotland where we moved from one place to the next and then one more before we broke up and I lived on my own again (in the tiniest of spaces) for the first time since that studio apartment. 

If I'm losing you here, I'm mostly listing all these places to test my own memory and to keep track, so just bear with me.

From there I moved to what to this day remains my favourite little house at Muramaris, even though it definitely had its flaws, and then back to apartment life in Visby.

Then in 2016 I left my beloved island and swapped it for Harrogate, England after a brief stint co-housing with my cousin in Brussels.

That adventure ended after not even 2 years, which led me to move back to the South of France and back in with my mum, who in the mean time built herself a completely stunning low emission house.

I've made it a habit to document little details of my living spaces over the years,
so naturally, my current little cottage couldn't escape being photographed. 

My cosy winter retreat by the sea. 
How happy I am to be back on Gotland.
I don't regret having left because I actually think I needed to
but there's no denying it.
This is home.