Friday, August 19, 2011


I'm delighted to report that we've moved! Anyone who doesn't appreciate their own kitchen, own bathroom and own livingroom should try living above a restaurant with 6 others for a couple of months!

It's too early to share any pictures of the apartment because I'm still not finished unpacking but I did make time to take pictures while I walked into town yesterday :)

2 steps from the front door ...

5 minutes walk from our new home

and the apple tree right around the corner I got very excited about.
(must remember to pick some apples when they are ripe :))


Plumflower said...

Hmm... anywhere close to Norrgatt-rondellen? (I base this on the pictures and the fact that I think saw you (or your identical twin) in my neighbourhood yesterday.

Aina Maj said...

Haha, no way, I have an identical twin?? :D
I guess I live in your neighbourhood then :) Next time you should say hi! :)

Eva Hållsten said...

hej, länade du korgarna nånstans här ? jag kan inte hiitta dom , eller är de kvar på Hamra Krog ??? tyckte di sa att du skulle lämna dom i min utställningslokal eller missförstod jag dig ? ...
Ha det så Bra
Eva Hållsten

Aina Maj said...

Hej Eva!
I came by last monday and the door to your ateljé was closed so I put the baskets in the room where you have these amazing kites made of dresses :) They are on the table in the corner.
Hope they are still there!

Plumflower said...

Next time you should say hi! :)

I wasn't totally sure (it always happens when I see a familiar face in a new place), and I wasn't close (I saw you through my window when I was cooking food). Anyway, next time! :)