Monday, February 3, 2020

A Most Unusual Airbnb

I don't know how useful this post is but JUST in case you ever need a place to stay for a night on your road trip from the South of France to Gotland (or Amsterdam to Copenhagen for that matter)
I know just the place!

This Vardo can be found just north of Hamburg 
in the back of a beautiful garden on a property that has been in the same family for generations 
(think LOTS of interesting treasures and trinkets, everywhere!) 
and a couple of poneys as closest neighbours. 

I don't think I've ever heard and seen so many different types of birds in the same garden. 
It made for a very idyllic awakening in my velvety orange-and-pink bed ðŸ’•
 though Hector was understandably very frustrated he wasn't allowed out.

I'm still so proud of myself for going on this solo road trip (with cat).
The next one, back to France, is coming up soon and I'm happy to report that this time I'm a whole lot less anxious and worried.
My trip taught me so much about the power of the mind and how it's so good at making you doubt just about anything.

Don't let it talk you out of the things that make up the best memories in life.

You've got this!  

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