Monday, April 25, 2011

Suderbyn Eco-village

My first e-mail & telephone contact with Robert Hall from Suderbyn Ekoby dates back to January but it wasn't until yesterday that we finally found the time to go and have a look. We couldn't have chosen a better day! We got a private tour of the land while Robert shared and explained his visions for the future: A completely sustainable Eco-village!  Right now the family's cooperation is still very much in the build-up phase and they are looking for new members who want to help make the dream come true.

What the 3 chefs in my company were most impressed about (I think) was the solar cooker out in the yard. Because organically grown food straight from the garden tastes best when it's prepared without electricity of course!

I was most impressed by their experimental building projects. For example their shower house - inspired by Hundertwasser and maybe a little Gaudi? - made with clay, rocks and reclaimed wood.
 Next in the planning is the development of the "Cinderella's house" an outhouse/dry toilet up to diva-standards!

I can see it, all of it, Roberts visions, how far away they might seem, they are crystal clear to me :) That place is going to rock the mind of all who comes by! Now it's up to the businesswoman in me to think of a way in which I can contribute.

Thanks again for your time Robert, you left the 4 of us very impressed and inspired.
You'll see me around!

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