Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Global Sustainability Symposium

Here's what's happening in Stockholm today: 

Planet Earth and humanity, facing each other in a mock trial, with around 20 Nobel Prize winners figuring as judges.
A civil court case to see whether humanity has breached their relations with the planet and to see how to restore that relationship.
A trial where we're invited to judge ourselves with the future generations in mind.

Interesting stuff - you can read the full article here.

It's obvious that just another meeting with another dialogue won't offer solutions, lets hope this "trial" will!

In other - related news (evidence for planet earth to defend her side?):

Vårt grisiga hav - a documentary by Folke Rydén & Ulrika Björkstén (look for our friend Erik Norberg in the end credits!) about the sorry state of the Baltic sea and the main cause of the pollution (surprise surprise - animal husbandry).
Unfortunately only in Swedish (yet?) and only available online until the 15 of June but so very interesting (and scary!).

I don't think I'll do much swimming this summer - a poisonous mixture of toxic algae and manure ... not so inviting!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

They are translating for an English version :-)