Thursday, May 19, 2011

Feeling almost professional ...

Business Cards!!

There's a point where you just have to make up your mind and stop making changes and I definitely reached that point this morning! 

It took a lot of time and a lot of frustration but now my business cards are ordered for print (on recycled paper!) and although I probably could have spent more time (and frustration) on it, I'm pretty happy with the outcome :)

Honest opinions are always welcome!

One more week of studying and I'll finally be able to focus fully on my shop at Hamra Krog. 
Exams are exhausting! I'll be so happy when it's over!


Anonymous said...

I do like your card !
This is my girl ... true to the bone !

Maike said...

super! alleen jammer van die achtergrond op de voorkant.. die vinnek een beetje storend.. ma anders, cool jong :D

Aina Maj said...

I agree - super storend. Ma da was precies zo ingesteld en ik kreeg het nie weg :s Maja, de meest belangrijke kant is de andere kant hé :)